Potassium Foods Sourced From the Sea
Seafood has been eaten for centuries and has received numerous applauds from those who have tried it. Most of us think that fish is the only edible seafood for humans. Seafood also includes vegetables that are rich in the mineral potassium. You can now explore a wide variety of potassium foods sourced from the sea in most modern restaurants or prepare your own recipe at home. The goodness about seafood is that it is fresh and the edible sea plants grow naturally without the need of fertilizers or pesticides as in some vegetables. Food from the sea is rich in salts like potassium vital for body tissue and skeletal development.
Potassium rich foods from the sea include fish and plants. Fish rich in potassium include halibut species, which are flat fish that live at the bottom of the sea. Others are salmon, tuna among other edible fish. Pacific blue mussel is a mollusc also rich in the mineral and can be boiled or made in different sea cuisines. Potassium rich sea vegetables include sea lettuce that can be cooked in soups or eaten raw in salads and brown algae like kombu also called kelp, wakame and hiziki that are also used to make food colors. These sea plants not only add potassium in your diet but also are well known to prevent most types of cancers. They also eliminate unwanted metals from the body.
Since we all can’t afford to live near the sea or access a seafood restaurant, we can enjoy potassium foods from the sea by buying it canned from super markets. Canned seafood is safe as it originates from protected seas or cultivated in farms. The sea is rich in salts and so most of these sea potassium vegetables have unrefined salts better than the ordinary table salt.
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