Baby Acne
Babies are these little, beautiful, perfect people with the softest skin. It happens once in a while that babies begin to get little bumps and white heads on their face and sometimes on their backs. It is usually concentrated near the nose and on the chin. This is known as baby acne.
It is totally normal and usually goes away on its own. Many medical professionals believe that is has something to do with the hormones that are realized by the mother during the end of the pregnancy. There really is nothing you can do for it except wash your child’s skin with a warm wash cloth. Whatever you do, do not squeeze them or try to pop them. Eventually your baby’s skin will clear up and be as beautiful as it was the day you’re brought your baby home.
Face Acne
How to get rid of face acne
Face acne can be upsetting and disfiguring. The worse is that this condition affects millions of people of all ages, especially teenagers. Fortunately, there are many ways to get rid of face acne scars. Although medical science has achieved impressive results in the treatment of acne, it’s recommend to try milder treatments at first.
A good diet is an effective tool in controlling acne, so make sure you follow a balanced diet. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables daily. Poor nutrition leads to the reduction of the skin’s capability to fight bacteria. Foods with high antioxidant proprieties will improve the condition of your skin. Also, it’s very important to eat fish, because it is a great source of fatty acids.
To get rid of face acne, wash your face twice a day with a sulfur based soap designed for acne. Excess washing can cause irritation. Look for the terms “oil-free” and “non-comedogenic” when buying a facial cleanser. Stop using heavy oil based cosmetics and creams that will clog the pores.
Look for a gel or soap formulated with benzyl peroxide. Avoid wearing makeup because most cosmetic products clog your pores. Pay special attention to your hygiene and keep in mind that it’s up to you to get rid of face acne.
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